Book reviewer by Mutsuo Shukuya on The Japanization of America
by Boye Lafayette De Mente



Reviewer by Mutsuo Shukuya on a book,
The Japanization of America by Boye Lafayette De Mente

I became aware of Boye Lafayette De Mente, the author of the book, The Japanization of America, when I read another book, The Arrival of Global Hellenism, by Takanori Irie. In his book, he quoted De Mente again and again, sparking my interest in him and in this book. I immediately obtained a copy of book, and was fascinated by it, to the point that I have since kept it close at hand.
It seems that De Mente wrote the book specifically to shock American business leaders and politicians into realizing there were a great many things they could learn from Japan.
As I learned more about De Mente’s purpose in writing The Japanization of America, and his admiration for Japan and Japanese culture, I could hardly believe my eyes. As surprising as it was, I was not astonished by his opinions when I considered them from the viewpoint of the Japanese and other Asians.
I lost no time in getting in touch with De Mente, as I had just been put in charge of the lecture program of a cultural society. I invited De Mente to give a lecture on his latest book, Japan’s Secret Weapon: The Kata Factor, in April 1991. As a result of this meeting, we became very good friends, and have since remained in close contact.
A resident of Japan from 1949 to 1963, De Mente now lives in the U.S., in Paradise Valley, Arizona (the Grand Canyon state), and over the decades has continued to spend two or three months of each year in Japan on research and writing projects.
De Mente speaks Japanese very well, and has had a great many life experiences in Japan as if he himself were Japanese, so I found him to be quite knowledgeable about Japan and Japanese culture.
I also leaned that he had spent virtually all of his adult life trying to increase the level of knowledge about Japan among Americans and around the world, along with an appreciation for the positive side of Japan’s traditional culture. In this respect, De Mente is quite different from the typical American or European.
De Mente says he wrote The Japanization of America for a very simple reason: “I wanted Americans to more fully understand the Japan-American relationship, to encourage them to be more open-minded, and to appreciate the fact that competition from Japan was having a beneficial effect on American industry by encouraging American manufacturers to humanize their management and improve the quality of their products.”
He insists that it is because of the Japanese ability to synthesize such elements, their deep-seated desire to improve themselves, and their special character that Japan became one of the world’s economic giants. And he refutes the prejudiced view that Japan became a giant because of low salaries and harsh working conditions.
At the same time, De Mente sounded the following warning to American business and political leaders: Despite the close economic and political ties the United States now enjoys with Japan, this relationship is fragile. American politicians and government bureaucrats, as well as the American public in general, still know very little about Japan beyond what is carried in the news media--and this is invariably shallow, incomplete, and sometimes wrong. A great deal more study and cultural exchange is essential to keep the Japan-American relationship on a positive, beneficial level.
It is said that Japanese people are seldom astonished at whatever is imported from overseas. One example of this is when a flood of Apple computers from America poured into the Japanese market about twenty years ago. Within a few years many excellent computers made in Japan captured the market share which Apple computers had previously dominated.
When Matthew Galbraith Perry(1794-1858) visited Japan more than hundred years ago, Japanese people learned to master various technologies brought to them from Europe. Furthermore, when firearms arrived in Japan more than four hundred years ago, the Japanese mastered the technology of how to produce the firearms and became world leaders of mass production in both quality and quantity within fifty years.
Probably in prehistoric eras as well they must have mastered imported technologies, such as how to efficiently produce rice in paddy fields, and spread them all over Japan. Most Japanese have taken it for granted that the Yayoi people, who came from other countries brought the technology of rice-growing with them and conquered the Jyomon people, earlier arrivals in Japan who had a hunter-gatherer economy.
But according to the legend, Hotsuma, which had already been written before the Kojiki was published in 712 A.D., the original Japanese who had a hunter-gatherer economy imported these rice-culture technologies and mastered them in a short time.
According to this legend the Yayoi people were not responsible for the early technology that appeared in Japan. Long before the arrival of the Yayoi the ruler Toyouke-gami, whose Court was in Hidakami in what is now Miyagi Prefecture, was the first to master the technology rice-growing, and then one of his descendants, Ninigi-no-mikoto, the grandson of Amaterukami (ancestor of the Imperial Family), spread the knowledge around Japan.
Most Japanese have taken it for granted that Ninigi-no-mikoto came down from Heaven. But in reality he was sent out among the people by the Toyouke-gami Court, and was described by the common people has having descended from Heaven. Still today bureaucrats who enter private companies after they retire from the government are referred to as amakudari or having descended from heaven.
In other words, from prehistoric times the Japanese have succeeded in mastering various technologies from foreign countries without being frightened or intimidated by them. This is a recurring pattern of Japanese civilization.
Why have so many generations of Japanese repeated this pattern over and over again? Author Boye De Mente says that it is because the Japanese people have had confidence in their own inherent knowledge and skills since the mist of time. This belief is still strongly held today. It is clearly obvious in all of Japanese endeavors, from continually refining their culture to creating a major industrial economy with 20 years after the feudal era ended in 1867, and again in another 20 years after the devastation of World War II. Both the diligence and the confidence of the Japanese have been primary characteristics since ancient times.
Shoichi Watanabe, Professor Emeritus of Sophia University, also states the following about Asians in his book, “Thus, the history of Asia has begun! In postwar South East Asia, especially in the countries that were under Japanese occupation, the nonwhite native people have revived their countries because, like the Japanese, they also are driven to excel and have great confidence in their abilities.”
So why does American author Boye Lafayette De Mente describe the Japanese as a superior people in his book, The Japanization of America? De Mente is one of the few researcher-writers on Japan who has had first-hand experience living among and working with the Japanese from his younger days, resulting in him becoming familiar with both the traditional and modern culture of Japan.
De Mente recognized that the Japanese had a number of culture-based traits and skills that have, in fact, made them a superior people, and in his book he recommended that a number of the management and manufacturing processes based on these cultural characteristics be adopted by Americans.
But when he published the book in 1989 he found that most Americans, including business and political leaders, were so smug in their belief in the power and wealth of the United States that they ignored the lessons that could be learned from Japan, allowing the economic and political leadership of the U.S. to falter.
As a patriotic American, De Mente attempted to appeal to, and inform, public opinion in the United States through his book, but, in his own words, the appeal fell on deaf ears.
Americans are, of course, very different from the people of Japan, but at the same time there are many things both Americans and Japanese have in common. De Mente indicates, for example, that flexibility and willingness to change are things we have in common. He adds that these two attributes should play a key role in helping the United States revive its economic and its leadership role.
In his book De Mente notes that many Americans have already adopted a number of cultural practices and manufacturing techniques from Japan, and gained considerable advantage from doing so. But he insists that it is essential for them to adopt still more of the cultural wisdom that has been developing in Japan since ancient times.
De Mente maintains in his book that Americans must make an effort to change their way of thinking and doing things-that the whole ethical and moral codes of American society must be reformed-like the Japanese did at the end of the Tokugawa period in 1867, and that the experience of the Japanese since the end of the Tokugawa era points the way to many of these changes.
Which elements of Japanese cultures does De Mente believe Americans should adopt? What aspects of Japanese culture fascinate him?
To begin with, he indicates that the Japanization of America began with the visit of Matthew Galbraith Perry (1794-1858) and his black warships to Japan in 1853, and the treaty between Japan and America that was concluded in March, 1854.
Although most people regard this treaty as the beginning of friendship between Japan and America, De Mente says that from the diplomatic standpoint between Japan and America, the roles actually began to be reversed upon the signing of the treaty.
De Mente notes that the new Meiji government was an outgrowth of the Japan-American treaty of 1854. The new Meiji government was established under the slogan, “Revere the Emperor and Expel the Barbarians.” But, he adds, that the new Meiji government was controlled by the rebel leaders of the Meiji Restoration, and that the new Emperor, Mutsuhito, who was intelligent and diligent, became little more than an advisor to the new rebel leaders.
And it was these rebel leaders who introduced elements of democracy and modernization into Japan.
All in all, De Mente’s book is a wake-up call, not only to Americans but to the Japanese as well.
First of all, De Mente notes that the Japanese people function best when working together as a group or team. He adds that this penchant for cooperative effort applies to any relationship; that this traditional Japanese mindset enhances social order and respect for authority, and that the Japanese principle of harmony applies to all situations: economic, social, religious and philosophical.
De Mente also has a great deal of respect, and gives high marks, to the tendency of the Japanese people to engage in amae-type behavior, which is a refined and highly-developed concept, and forms one of the basic elements of Japanese culture. He says that amae [ah-my] represents the love, trust and dependence of people who never demand anything; that they turn their love, trust and dependence toward their mothers first, toward their families second, and then toward their community. He declares that this characteristic mind set and behavior of the Japanese was no doubt established in the rice farming system that prevailed in Japan for some 2000 years?a system in which the leader was expected to be a totally unselfish person who had experience and wisdom, and worked only for the good of the local community.
The third Japanese cultural characteristic on De Mente’s list is that the Japanese people have traditionally been actually honest. Their extraordinary honesty, he says, was not only one of the primary themes of the Japanese education system at home and in schools, it had a very practical side in that it contributed enormously to the morals of the community over a very long time.
The fourth cultural trait of the Japanese that De Mente singled out was their sensitivity to the beauty of nature. He declares that they made the enjoyment of nature an integral and formal part of their lives for more than a thousand years, and that it was necessary for them to learn what beauty is and enjoy to it in order to be true to themselves.
De Mente says that for the Japanese the traditional model or standard of beauty is nature or what nature suggests, and that simplicity and frugality lie at the heart of the Japanese concept of beauty. When they regard some work as beautiful, it does not mean the techniques of the creator, but the heart and soul of the work itself, which the creator put into it.
He goes on to say that in their efforts to develop their understanding and appreciation of beauty the Japanese created a number of cultural arts, crafts and customs that they have practiced since ancient times. He notes that these customs include calligraphy, cherry and plum blossom viewing, and the tea ceremony.
De Mente adds that these customs provided the Japanese with the opportunity to enjoy beauty with their families, friends and communities, significantly improving the quality of their lives. He also emphasizes the important role that writing and appreciating poetry has played in the lives of the Japanese, noting that it brings an emotional, spiritual and intellectual facet to their appreciation of beauty.
Poetry, De Mente maintains, is one of the ultimate expressions of the emotional, spiritual and intellectual capacity of human beings, and provides a means for judging how the composer has improved himself/herself while at the same time bringing a special joy to those hearing poetry read.
De Mente recommends that the widespread Japanese custom of composing and reading poems at various ceremonies should be adopted by all Americans, rather than the very small percentage that now enjoy its amazing benefits.
The fifth Japanese cultural inclination that De Mente emphasized in The Japanization of America was the pride that they have in themselves as Japanese, in their mother country, and in their amazing historical and contemporary achievements.
De Mente observes that the Japanese are obsessed with getting the best possible education, devote themselves to business with extraordinary diligence and patience, and willingly sacrifice much of their individuality in pursuing their goals-all traits that many Americans have let fall by the wayside.
He adds that the custom of extraordinary hospitality that is characteristic of the Japanese, their inherent selflessness, and their deep-seated sense of personal and national honor is an integral part of the traditional culture while too many Americans on all economic and social levels have little or no pride in their work, do not feel any overwhelming obligation to do their very best for their employers, and generally do not relate their behavior to the stability and prosperity of their nation.
The sixth cultural trait of the Japanese that De Mente singled out was the traditional view that their labor was not regarded as an article for sale. As an example of this concept, he introduces Sazo Idemitsu, one of the most extraordinary Japanese of the 20th century, and his philosophy of success.
De Mente says that Idemitsu’s viewpoint was that Japan’s traditional culture was primarily based on human feelings-on pure feelings of the human heart, while European cultures were primarily the products of objective knowledge and technology with an overlay of religious beliefs there were often inhuman.
In Idemitsu’s ideal world, De Mente continues, there is less friction and less conflict, allowing people to live and work in peace and harmony. In Idemitsu’s world, the wages paid to employees were to guarantee the livelihood of the workers and their families, not compensation for their toil.
There are many other viewpoints that De Mente emphasizes in this book, but I do not have the space to discuss all of them in this article. So, I hope you can read THE JAPANIZATION OF AMERICA, and learn more about this author’s views of Japanese culture.


"Japanese Modern Tanka for beginners in the world composed by Yoshihiro Kuromichi"


Two Modern Japanese Tanka for Beginners in the World 
Composed by Tanka Poet Yoshihiro Kuromichi
Commentary by Mutsuo Shukuya

translator : Mutsuo Shukuya himself
editor : Japanologist Boye Lafayette De Mente

坂尾 悌氏よりの翻訳解析記事と宿谷睦夫氏の返書

An essay,“TANKACROSTIC”by James Kirkup (both original & translation into Japanese)
used as Foreword of a book,“100 Tanka Poems for 100 People”by Mutsuo Shukuya
published by Phoenix Books/Publishers USA




Book reviewer by Mutsuo Shukuya on The Japanization of America by Boye Lafayette De Mente

Book reviewer by Muttsuo Shukuya on “Japan’s Secret Weapon: The Kata Factor” by Boye De Mente



Copyright(c) 2010 Yoshihiro Kuromichi(